"There are so many advantages to growing GMO crops. Less herbicide use."

This would be comical if it was about any other topic. An egregious LIE! The rate of pesticide use has increased in a statistically significant way, EVERY SINGLE YEAR SINCE THE ALLOWANCE OF THE TECHNOLOGY.

In '22, 300 MILLION TONS of Glyphosate alone was used and introduced into our environment.

You need banned from the platform. You lying agitprop is sedition.

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"So, are organic foods better for us?

No, they are not. Organic farming uses pesticides, and sometimes, there are many more pesticides than non-organic produce. Organic produce is not better—it is just a different way of growing the products."

That's either a display of unimaginable ignorance or an unannounced agenda.

Your statement is ABSOLUTELY untrue. A LIE, in other words.


STOP with the BS. You know nothing about food you produce commodities. In a fashion that is toxic from input to product. Sit down and be quiet.

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